Notion Template - Complete 1:1 Effectiveness Toolkit

Get the Complete 1:1 Effectiveness Toolkit Notion Template

What is it?

*Transform your 1:1 meetings into high-impact, productive conversations with The Complete 1:1 Effectiveness Kit.*

This template offers a structured approach to capture insights, track key actions, and keep goals clear. Using Notion AI, the template automatically creates a dashboard, summarising each meeting and highlighting key actions for easy follow-up.

Establish “Anchors” aligned with personal, team, and company objectives, ensuring every discussion stays purposeful and on track. Staying aligned with your manager or report, to align expectations and set yourself up to have the best conversations.

Ideal for managers and team leads, this template drives accountability, simplifies preparation, and strengthens relationships. Make every 1:1 count—turn average meetings, into great and effective ones.

Anything else?

Notion is free, you can get it for free here. This is a free template and works with the free version of Notion.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments or get in touch.
