
There's no shortage of companies and people in the world that have advice to share, courses to sell you or a video to click on. It's overwhelming. The library is a curated collection of these resources, containing links to recommended Podcasts, Videos, Books and Individuals that are worth your time.

If they are listed here, this is as strong of an endorsement as I can give. There are no paid endorsements, only resources that I have used or follow because I believe in it and trust it as an authoritative source or of high enough quality that you should spend your limited time to consume it.


I will only ever recommend or talk about books that I have actually read, never second hand information. Here you will find a list of books that have materially impacted me or been useful to solve a problem I have faced. 

Book recommendations

Videos and Talks 

A collection of videos or talks that I believe are worth your time. A link to a video or talk is an endorsement that it's worth your time or consideration, not necessarily that I align to everything that the person says. 

It's good to be inspired, challenged and see a different point of view. That's what this list is for.

Videos and Talks

Trusted sources - People, Podcasts, Communities

A collection of people that are worth following or subscribing to. This could be a company or individual I've worked with, or someone who has produced enough worthwhile content that I'm automatically interested in what they produce. This is as strong of an endorsement I can give and there are no paid endorsements. 

Here you will find links to People, Podcasts or Communities that I would recommend that you use to create your own library.

People, Podcasts and Communities 

