No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention
Reed Hoffman & Erin Meyer
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Should I buy this?
Yes absolutely. I highly recommend you get yourself a copy and read it through, several times.
Reed Hoffman is the founder of Netflix and was CEO for 25 years, seeing Netflix go from almost on the brink of being bought by Blockbuster through to one of the most disruptive companies in the 21st century. Bringing video streaming to every digital device in the world.
The insights and case studies in this book are direct, very real and both Reed and Erin do a fantastic job in articulating the key concepts and how you might use them.
Don't fall for the trap of applying this blindly, the authors warn of the very same - but upon reading this book you'll have an incredible blue print on how you might bring about change and create a culture and environment of learning and innovation.